Monday, May 30, 2011

Sweet and Savory Memorial Parfait

A sweet and savory parfait is a nice treat to celebrate the Memorial weekend and still be light and healthy. Filled with sweet coconut yogurt and tart berries makes the perfect combination that will put a smile on anyones face. 


1 pint of plain coconut yogurt or any yogurt 

1. Very simple, start with a layer of yogurt, about 4 big spoonfuls in order to get a nice thick base for the fruit.
2. Next go for the Strawberries. Make sure it is just enough to for a layer, you don't want to under or over stuff the parfait.
3. Then add another layer of yogurt on top of that. This one should be thinner than your first layer. 
4. Continue this process mixing the fruit until you end with a nice layer of yogurt on top. 
5. Serve immediately 

I was having a very difficult time finding something that I could eat that allows me to stick to my diet, but still be festive for Memorial day. So, I thought why not go for a parfait! This way I can substitute regular yogurt with coconut yogurt and still stick to my diet. Nothing is worse than being on a diet during summer or holidays. So, it is important to find recipes that are delicious and will not leave you feeling left out of all the celebration. I will admit before I found this recipe I did throw a little tantrum for I wanted nothing more than to eat ice cream or chips for the holiday. However, I couldn't bring myself to cheat so I just had to get my thinking cap on and be creative. I think in the end I made the right choice and I was super satisfied with the results. Overall, I has a great memorial weekend that was stress free and full of family and delicious food. I can only hope that yours was the same. 

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